Extracted from leaves of Vismia baccifera cured of liver cancer

According to The Daily Mail, scientists at the University of Basque Country, Spain, have found a unique tree species in the Amazon rainforest that can help cure. As demonstrated by the test, extract from the leaves of Vismia baccifera can easily fight cancer, causing cancer cells to commit suicide, while not harming healthy tissue.

Picture 1 of Extracted from leaves of Vismia baccifera cured of liver cancer
Extracts from the leaves of Vismia baccifera have great potential for the treatment of liver cancer - (Photo: Wikimedia).

It is known that chemotherapy often kills all cells that divide positively - both cancer cells and body cells. These body cells may include bone marrow cells (which help to continually create blood cells), hair cells, lining of the digestive system. According to the scientists, extracting from the leaves of Vismia baccifera at least has no effect on the growth of tumors. It can also be used to treat metastases.

The species found in the Amazon forests is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Previously this plant was used to treat urinary and skin diseases. Meanwhile, inflammation is the cause of the spread of cancer cells. In addition, plants contain antiseptic compounds such as hydrogen peroxide that prevent cancer cells from multiplying and destroying cancer DNA.

According to statistics, each year about 5,700 cases of liver cancer occur in the UK and 42,200 cases in the United States. Most cases occur due to alcohol abuse or previous hepatitis B or C. About half of the cases are thought to be preventable.