Farewell to dog feces

A Dutch food company claims to have removed the trouble from dog feces by creating a food that leaves virtually no waste.

Developers Jos van der Linden and Nanette Waldorp said 90% of the food called Energique will be absorbed into the dog's body. The remaining 10% will be discharged in the form of small, dry, odorless tablets and can be picked up and discarded by paper.

According to a study conducted by Utrecht University, a regular dog will defecate three times a day, but with Energique it only needs to be solved once a week.

Picture 1 of Farewell to dog feces (Photo: News.scotsman.com) Food is made entirely from meat and produced at a pet food factory in Friesland. Ordinary dog ​​food is usually only 15% meat, leaving the discarded parts of chicken, cereals and water.

Jos van der Linden said: "The way food is made is like that, the problem is that the dog's stomach is not made for cereals. Energique's secret of success is knowing that, before returning. into pets, dogs only eat meat ".

New products also responded in an effort to eliminate dog waste on the streets. The only obstacle is price, Energique is twice as expensive as regular dog food. But this still does not prevent the company from receiving orders from the US, Canada and Israel.