Production of artificial meat from ... human feces

Scientists at Okayama Research Institute (Japan) have successfully developed an artificial meat from human feces.

According to the Daily Mail , Dr. Mitsuyuki Ikeda and colleagues in the research team found that human excrement still has a lot of unabsorbed proteins and many different types of bacteria . They conducted the synthesis of these proteins to create an artificial meat, which is red in color like natural meat and enhanced with the flavor of soybeans.

Picture 1 of Production of artificial meat from ... human feces
Dr. Mitsuyuki Ikeda and artificial meat recycle from human feces.
(Photo: Daily Mail).

This artificial meat is made up of 63% protein, 25% carbohydrate, 3% fat and 9% mineral. It has also been tested as a nucleus of a burger. As a result, the eaters said the meat was delicious and tasted like beef.

The team thinks that such artificial meats could also be made from animal feces. Recycling methods will significantly reduce the amount of greenhouse gases caused by waste types.

Currently, the price of this artificial meats is still 10-20 times higher than the price of beef used to make regular hamburgers due to high research costs. However, Dr. Ikeda hopes the price of this artificial meat will decrease in the future.

One obstacle to be solved if this artificial meat is produced is the fear of consumers who know that they may be eating the meat produced from their own waste.

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