Artificial meat $ 330,000 to the oven

The world's first artificial meat sandwich is cooked at a restaurant in the British capital on August 5.

>>>For the first time there was a banquet with artificial meat

With 142g of artificial meat produced in the lab for $ 330,000 (equivalent to VND 7 billion) will be made into sandwiches by the creator of it. The public will be invited to taste at a secret location, Timesofmalta said.

Artificial meat is a study by Maastricht University, Netherlands, headed by Professor Mark Post. Professor Mark Post will produce sandwiches from 20,000 small strips of meat that grow from cow's stem cells. He believes this is an artificial meat revolution and it will appear in supermarkets for at least 10 years.

Picture 1 of Artificial meat $ 330,000 to the oven
Artificial meat samples were developed at the Maastricht University laboratory in the Netherlands.(Photo: Reuters)

Originally planned, the maker of artificial beef is the famous chef Heston Blumental. However, the plan changed and Professor Mark Post became the main chef.

The sandwiches are fried in a pan and tasted by two volunteers, an anonymous businessman and research sponsor. Ingredients include a half-millimeter-thick artificial beef strip with pinkish yellow. Professor Post said, it is almost impossible to distinguish its taste from meat from slaughter animals.

Mr. Mark Post said: "We hope artificial beef can solve many of the world's food problems today . Our hamburger made from a cow's muscle cells, it has The taste is like the real thing , 'he said.

Post pointed out that the livestock industry is growing unsustainably due to skyrocketing meat demand worldwide. Launched last year at a science conference in Vancouver, Canada, he said: "Meat demand will double in the next 40 years. Right now we need to choose alternatives for meat. cattle ".

Professor and colleagues said, he and his colleagues underwent a multi-stage process to turn the dish from stem cells into kernels of a cake that can be baked or fried.

Picture 2 of Artificial meat $ 330,000 to the oven
A hamburger.(Artwork: Independent)

First, stem cells are cultured in a nutrient medium, allowing them to proliferate 30 times. Next, they are combined with elastic collagen, and the cells self-organize into muscle blocks.

Next, the electrical stimulus team used to grow the muscle strips. Finally thousands of small strips of beef meat are formed, about 20,000 fibers of 142 g weight are used to make hamburgers. Other ingredients include salt, egg powder, breadcrumbs, beetroot juice and yellow turmeric added to create true beef color.

'A big advantage of in vitro meat is that it is good for human health, by increasing the level of polyunsaturated fat , ' the study leader said.

A spokesman said: "One day, you can eat meat safely without killing animals. This helps reduce carbon emissions, save water and provide safer food."