The history of the greatest 'dung' is sold for more than 200 million VND

The feces are up to meters long and are auctioned up to VND 230 million. Of course there must be a reason it has such a price.

In 2014, the world for the first time witnessed the most solemn auction in history. The event was held in Beverly Hills, and the specimen was an ancient . feces sold for $ 10,370 - equivalent to about VND 230 million at the current exchange rate.

This fossil bureau is described as nearly 102cm long, has a light brown color, and is viewed as a stool sample from the oldest ancient creatures in history. According to the assessment, stool samples dating back to 20 million years ago, may belong to the Miocene (geological potential lasts from 23.03 to 5.33 million years).

And just make a simple division, each centimeter costs 2.2 million dong.

Picture 1 of The history of the greatest 'dung' is sold for more than 200 million VND
The greatest fertilizer department in history.

For the scientific world at that time, this stool was a very special specimen, not only because of its date. The special is also in the fecal structure - has a rounded shape into very strange pieces. Science calls it botryoidal - a word derived from the Greek word, meaning bunch of grapes.

Jake Chait, director of the IM Chait natural museum, said the feces were found in 2012, in a land in Toledo, Washington. As a person with long experience in the field of antiquities, Chait immediately knew that this was a bargain, because there has never been a model in history.

However, it is also this department that exists a problem that science must go to find solutions. That is, which creature created it?

Must be a giant creature

It must be a huge creature that can "eliminate" such a great thing. So many people assume that its author is a child, the size falls around 27m.

Picture 2 of The history of the greatest 'dung' is sold for more than 200 million VND
Dinosaurs long neck.

However, the story becomes more complicated when Robert Krulwich - the scientific reporter of the NPR news site - refuses it. According to Krulwich, if this stool belongs to the Miocene world , it is impossible to have a long-necked dinosaur. Because at this stage, they are extinct.

According to Krulwich, the greatest creature of that period was the Argentavis magnificens . They weigh 60 - 80kg, huge wingspan with a length of up to 8m, so it must . their waste must be very large. But Krulwich himself did not appreciate this ability, because although the wingspan was long, their bodies were probably just the same as humans, or slightly larger.

Picture 3 of The history of the greatest 'dung' is sold for more than 200 million VND
Compare the size of ancient birds.

With such a size, their waste is not even as long as half of our "centimeter millionth" .

So, Krulwich gave two theories. Or the feces are farther away than humans have predicted - that is, the Oligocene (from 39 million to 22 million years ago). At this time dinosaurs still existed, and maybe one of them is the author of what people are competing for auction?

Picture 4 of The history of the greatest 'dung' is sold for more than 200 million VND

And secondly, it is in the Miocene that there is still one more species that humans have not yet discovered. It had to be a giant creature, about the size of a dinosaur, so it was enough to create . different feces.

But after all, that's still a hypothesis. Until now, the "boss" of the great department is still an open mystery.