Farmer puts cows on VR glasses in hopes of increasing milk production

This crazy idea was made by a farmer in Turkey.

In an effort to increase the daily milk production of his cows, a farmer in Turkey came up with a very strange idea. This man is experimenting with virtual reality glasses for his cows to make them think they are in the middle of a vast green meadow.

Picture 1 of Farmer puts cows on VR glasses in hopes of increasing milk production
Farmer puts cows on VR glasses in hopes of increasing milk production

İzzet Koçak's family is a family with a tradition of continuous cattle breeding for three consecutive generations. The reason the İzzet Koçak family has been able to keep up the cattle business for so long is because they are always trying to keep up with the times.

Izzet is trying to make sure his family's cattle business works well enough to pass on to the next generations through a full-scale experimentation with unique solutions. After experimenting with making cows listen to music to help them relax, a Turkish farmer is now testing VR goggles with the aim of making the animals believe they are grazing in a sunny, grassy field. for a boring indoor farm in the middle of a cold winter.

Koçak told Anadolu News Agency: 'We get an average of 22 liters of milk a day from our cows. We put our 2 cows on VR glasses (virtual reality glasses) so they can see the green pasture all day and the daily milk production has increased to 27 liters. These glasses have an emotional effect on the animals, we found that the animals were less stressed. This was reflected in milk yield and milk quality."

Picture 2 of Farmer puts cows on VR glasses in hopes of increasing milk production
Experiment with cows wearing VR glasses.

The Turkish farmer said he was inspired by an article about cows wearing virtual reality glasses on a farm in Russia. He was intrigued by the idea, so he ordered a few pairs of VR glasses to apply to the cows on his farm. The test results are beyond Izzet's expectations, he plans to order 10 more VR glasses and if the milk production rate continues to increase, he wants to apply them to all 180 of his cows.

Picture 3 of Farmer puts cows on VR glasses in hopes of increasing milk production
Koçak plans to equip each cow with a VR headset if the test is successful.

'VR was first tested by a business in Russia, we came across this on social media,' İzzet Koçak said. 'We also decided to give it a try. For now, we have put it on our 2 cows and observed an increase in milk production. We are currently in the first test phase, the second phase we have ordered 10 more VR glasses. If we're successful with them, we'll order them for our whole herd."

Koçak says he will continue to let his cows listen to music so they can relax more. He tracks their moods and behavior with the help of a tracking system that receives data from a chip attached to each cow's eye. Koçak claims that music also makes a big difference.