Find out how to speed up your computer to 'light speed'

According to magazine, in the future, this will help create super-fast computing devices. Specifically, for computers whose pulse frequency is equivalent to light wave oscillation.

Picture 1 of Find out how to speed up your computer to 'light speed'
Bringing electrons to the speed of light helps speed up computers and other electronics in the future.

The physicists developed the experiment with an ultra-fast laser, capable of generating one hundred million pulses of light per second. The design also includes gold nanostructures suitable for electronic manipulation and high-precision measurements.

By using a laser, one can convert electric current through an electric current at a rate of about 600 attos seconds (1 billionth of a billionth of a second). This process occurs on a time scale smaller than half the period of the electric field oscillation of the light pulse.

These modern electronic components are based on silicon semiconductor technology, which can convert within picoseconds (1 billionth of a billionth of a second). Mobile devices operate at gigahertz order frequency and some transistors operate in terahertz order frequency (10Hz at 12th power).

The results of the scientific work allow people to understand how light interacts with the condensation environment inside semiconductors.

Based on the method of controlling electrons, future scientists will study the electron transfer in large-scale devices to speed up computers and other modern electronic systems.