Find the descendant of Monalisa

After a period of research, an Italian genealogist believed he had found the descendant of Mona Lisa, who modeled for Léonard de Vinci, to create the famous 'La Joconde'.

Picture 1 of Find the descendant of Monalisa La Joconde painting. Photo: desordre . The relative was the prince of Toscane and had two daughters equally charming, beautiful and likable. The youngest girl named Irina, gentle and kind, speaks 7 languages. After becoming a skilled pianist, she went on to study Economics at Bocconi University in Milan.

She then practiced business at the 10th British Prime Minister's Palace Downing Street, and at the home of European Commission President Manuel Barroso in Brussels. At the age of 24, she completed her business training program.

And Natalia is red and funny, beautiful dancing and acting, she also published a memoir when she was 29 years old. Natalia was also a skilled pianist, but found herself not "intellectual" by her sister because she only knew 5 foreign languages.

While waiting for the prince of her heart, the two girls are passionate about cooking wine because it is a family tradition of 1,200 years ago.

Recently, a genealogist has come to harass the peace of the Strozzi family. His name is Domenico Savini, he rummaged through the Strozzi family's archives, which were on par with the Médicis family in the 14th century. Mona's Lisa.

Picture 2 of Find the descendant of Monalisa Two princesses Natalia and Strozzi. Photo: ANTG . Domenico Savini lives in Florence. His hypothesis is based on what historians believe to be the most believable after Architect Giorgio Vasari's argument: Léonard de Vinci's model girl paints the 'La Joconde' before marrying Lisa Gherardini.

In 1495, at the age of 16, she married the son of a 19-year-old silk merchant, Francesco di Bartolomeo del Giocondo. Ms. Lisa del Giocondo gave birth to 2 sons and 1 daughter. It was her husband who ordered the painting with Léonard de Vinci in 1503. But the genius artist did not fight him but kept it for himself.

People don't have much information about Mona Lisa, only to know that she lives in her husband's home in Via Della Stufa. She died on July 15, 1542 and was buried at the Sant'Orsola monastery. The Del Giocondo lineages ended in the late seventeenth century, but the female branch remained.

Firstly, the combination of Maddalena del Giocondo and Niccolo del Garbo. Then came Maddalena's son's marriage to Lisabetta de Mozzi. By the nineteenth century the Mozzi family lineage was transferred to the Bombicci-Pontelli family and mentioned a portrait of Mona Lisa.

The genealogist Domenico Savini has established a connection between Mona Lisa and the two family princesses Strozzi thanks to Countess Maria Luisa Guicciardini, named Bombicci - Pontelli, the heir of the Mozzi family, Del Garbo and Del Giocondo.

' The most interesting thing is that the Mozzi family archives mention a portrait of the Mona Lisa, which in the 19th century is still in the family gallery. I'm not a painting historian, but I'm sure the Mozzi family is the link between the Del Giocondo and Strozzi ' families .