Finger reveals risk of prostate cancer?

The March 6 issue of France's article by British scientific researchers concluded that men with longer index fingers than ring fingers have a lower risk of prostate cancer. % compared to men with ring fingers longer than index fingers.

Picture 1 of Finger reveals risk of prostate cancer?
( Artwork )

This newspaper has resulted in serious scientific research, recently published in the British Journal du Cancer ( British Journal du Cancer ).

To that conclusion, British researchers had to study the fingers of 1,500 prostate cancer patients and 3,000 completely healthy people within 15 years.

Explain the hormonal aspect, showing that the first finger length and the third finger were shaped from prenatal by the presentation of testosters produced in the womb.

According to this explanation, if the presentation of the testostrons is weak, the index finger will be longer.

However, very few adult men are susceptible to developing prostate cancer. Because of that, there is another assessment that, too weak a testostéron presentation before birth will reduce the risk of cancer.

Therefore, observing the hand is simply to participate in the consideration of the diagnosis process.