Finger reveals the ability to run

Men with ring fingers longer than forefinger are likely to run faster than others.

Picture 1 of Finger reveals the ability to run

In addition to being able to run faster, men with ring fingers longer than forefinger also have a lower risk of heart disease.Photo: Telegraph.

Scientists believe that the fetal finger length reflects the level of exposure to testosterone (a hormone that is important for male growth and fertility) in the uterus. A team of experts from the Medical Research Council at the University of Southampton (UK) studied 241 athletes in the age range 10-17 to learn the ability to run.

The team measured the size of each athlete's fingers to find out the difference between ring and index fingers. After that, the athletes participating in a fast-running contest have a distance of 50 meters. Results showed that people with ring fingers longer than index fingers ran faster.

Lead researcher Dr. John Manning said that teenage men exposed to more testosterone while in the uterus were less robust than others. However, they are more likely to succeed in sports because their hearts are able to bring oxygen-rich blood to the more active muscles.

"We found that the bigger the ratio between the ring finger and the index finger, the higher the running speed of the athletes. Their advantage is shown right from the start and is maintained stable throughout the run." , Manning said.

Many previous studies have shown that people with ring fingers longer than forefinger are at lower risk of heart disease, score higher on exams, make more money than others.