Finger length reveals athletic ability

Finger length can be a simple way to know if a woman is likely to be a potential sports star.

Picture 1 of Finger length reveals athletic ability (Photo: The research team at King's University in London, UK, found that girls with ring fingers longer than forefinger will be able to achieve high performance in sports. The ratio of these two fingers has been known to represent men's ability to perceive and quality sperm.

The team at King's Twin Research Institute examined X-rays of 607 female twins aged 25 to 79 in the UK. They measured the length of each person's index finger and ring finger. Participants also rated the highest results they achieved in the 12 sports list.

The team found that women with longer ring fingers would be more likely to reach the highest performing group in all sports. Specifically, these girls excel in running, football and tennis.

Lead researcher Tim Spector said: " The previous study said that the difference in finger length was due to a change in the content of testosterone in the uterus, but we found that finger length was inherited 70% with very little effect of the uterine environment, this indicates that the gene is a major factor affecting finger length. "

The ratio between these two fingers has been formed from before birth and maintained throughout life.

From this result, researchers consider finger length testing to help find talents at an early stage and thereby develop a reasonable talent development program.