Food should be limited

The supply of energy beyond the needs of the body lasts long will lead to overweight, obesity. But if not enough to make the body lean, tired, reduce labor, thinking ability.

Doctor Dinh Thi Kim Lien, Head of Clinical Nutrition Department, Bach Mai Hospital (Hanoi) said that people of all ages need to provide enough energy for basic transformation and other activities of body. Even in rest conditions, doing nothing, the body still needs energy to maintain activities such as heart beating, breathing lungs, and other metabolism.

In order to get enough energy, it is necessary to eat a full group of powdered substances (rice, corn, potatoes, cassava, vermicelli, noodles, vermicelli .); protein (meat, fish, eggs, shrimp, crabs .); fat (oil, fat, butter, nuts such as sesame, peanuts .); vitamins, fiber and mineral salts (green vegetables and ripe fruits). In order to have a reasonable, quality and preventive diet, it is necessary to follow the principle of: sufficient, balanced and diverse. The energy needs vary depending on how low, medium or heavy your labor is.

Picture 1 of Food should be limited
Photo: Justrec

Here Dr. Lien gives some nutrition advice:

1. Food should be used (often used):

- Powder: Rice, noodles, corn, potatoes, cassava, noodles, noodles; Potato tubers and products made from potato roots (rice noodles, cast cakes .).

- Protein: Eat a variety of meats, fish, shrimp, crab, tofu .; especially fish, eat fish at least 3 and should be 4 times / week, choose catfish.

- Fat: Choose unsaturated fats in vegetable oils (soybean oil, peanut oil, sesame oil).

- Green vegetables, ripe fruits : Eat a variety of types (especially leafy vegetables) to get more potassium to help regulate blood pressure and fiber to regulate blood fat.

2. Limited food:

- Fast food, high in salt such as: Shrimp noodles, salty cakes, fried chicken and chips, cakes.

- Prepared foods contain a lot of salt : salted meat, salted fish, spring rolls, patties, pate, pickled melon, salted .

- Animal viscera, animal fat, butter.

- Eggs : Eat 2–3 fruits / week.

3 Food should not be used

Stimulants : alcohol, beer, coffee .

4. Processing food

- It is recommended to process light dishes to an acceptable level and gradually reduce the amount of salt to the target:

- Can replace 1g of salt = 1 teaspoon of fish sauce.

If you do not want to be fat, or want to lose weight, you should eat fruits with low sugar content such as cucumbers, peas, grapefruit, dragon fruits, apples, pears, oranges and tangerines. Cucumbers, bean bulbs can also be used as food for overweight and obese people who have a habit of snacking, because these types of tubers and fruits have very low energy, the main ingredients are water, provided to the body. High in fiber, vitamins and minerals.

And in order to have good health, prevent disease, in addition to a reasonable diet, we need to have an exercise regime that is suitable for a healthy lifestyle, especially when you want to lose weight. Specifically, it is necessary to maintain the exercise at least 30 minutes a day with different types such as walking, swimming, aerobics, cycling .