Fossil discovery of an ancient round fish

A group of Mexican archaeologists recently discovered fossils of an ancient round-necked fish that once lived on Earth 90 million years ago. This is the first time the fossil of this species has been found in the world.

Picture 1 of Fossil discovery of an ancient round fish
Fossils of an ancient round fish.(Source: EFE)

The July 25 announcement of Dr. Marco Antonio Coutiño, director of the Chiapas State Museum of Paleontology, said a group of local archaeologists had found fossils 20cm long of an unknown fish species. anywhere in the world.

Research shows that this fish has a round and once lived 90 million years ago in Ocozocuautla district.

With the scientific name Sapperichthys chiapanensis , belonging to the Gonorhychidae family, this fish was determined to live in the waters of Mesozoica, including the Mexican state of Chiapas.

Currently, the fossil of this fish is placed in the Tuxtla Gutiérrez City Museum of Paleontology, the capital of Chiapas, serving domestic and foreign visitors.

Over the past two decades, these state archaeologists have discovered and collected 250 fossils of 15 different species of fish in the territory of four districts in the southeastern state of Mexico. These specimens were evaluated in the Cretaceous period.