Found the ancient elephant remains that lived 3 million years ago

Archaeologists in Algeria have discovered the skeleton of an ancient elephant (stegodon), who lived here nearly 3 million years ago.

Picture 1 of Found the ancient elephant remains that lived 3 million years ago
Ain el-Hensch archaeological site.

As reported "Al-Vatan" reported, it was discovered in the north-east of the country, in the province of Setif when excavating the archaeological site of Ain el-Hensch.

According to scientists, stegodon elephants can be considered with the newly discovered that the oldest animal ever lived in the territory today is Algeria and North Africa in general.

"Having found a skull and fragments of animal skeletons, there is no consensus on the plan to bring the whole to the ground," - quoted the archaeologist Ayman Amravi working on the construction site. excavation in Algeria.

Stegodon is the "teeth" genus of extinct mammals and long-tailed mammals, distant relatives of modern mammoths and elephants. These large animals live mainly in Asia about 5.5 to 3 million years ago.