Found the world missing the bottom of the Pacific Ocean

Researchers from the National Association of Scientific and Applied Research (CSIRO) and Australian National University in a Tasman Sea survey have made a mountain range that people have never seen.

Picture 1 of Found the world missing the bottom of the Pacific Ocean
Previously unknown mountain ranges in the bottom of the Tasman Sea.

According to the ScienceAlert report, a "" was found. Previously unknown mountain ranges in the bottom of the Tasman Sea. It was discovered with the help of the device on the research ship Investigator. This mountain range was formed from ancient volcanic eruptions.

The height of some mountains reaches 3000 meters. However, no one has discovered these structures before. The problem is that the mountain top and the ocean surface are separated by a two kilometer layer of water.

The volcanic landscape is very diverse in both size and shape. There are sharp peaks, also with low conical hills and wide plateaus.

Scientists believe that this mountain was once part of the continent. However, after Australia and Antarctica separated, the mountains sank into the sea. This process ended about 30 million years ago.

Now scientists are continuing to study the mountain range. The next task is to find out which creatures are living in this "missing world" .