Lake the giant ghost under the Pacific Ocean

American scientists say they have found a lake of magma deep in the Pacific shelf, in an effort to trace the formation of the seabed in the future.

Since the theory of tectonic plates appeared in the 1960s, scientists learned that a new seabed was formed in the world's major ocean basins, in long volcanic chains known as fringes. the ocean, but it is unclear where the magic line comes from.

Picture 1 of Lake the giant ghost under the Pacific Ocean
The image of the ghost lake lies deep in the heart of the Earth

Researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California at San Diego (USA) say they have taken a unique image of an area deep within the Earth, where ghosts are born. .

This finding may help to better understand the process of shaping the seabed.

Using electromagnetic technology, the team mapped a large area beneath the ocean floor, off Central America, north of the Eastern Pacific Hill (EPR).

EPR is a seabed volcano located in the intersection of the oceans, forming the largest and most active volcanic chain in the world.

The intersecting area, full of ghosts, is about the size of San Diego county in the US, about 11,722km 2 , and is deeper in the mantle than previous estimates, according to OurAmazingPlanet.