France: Allows research on human embryos

Picture 1 of France: Allows research on human embryos

Research of stem cells in the laboratory ( Photo: NLD )

The French government has just announced the official decree allowing research activities on human embryos and stem cells.

According to the decree, research on human embryos and stem cells is only allowed in three cases, with the written consent of the embryo couple and the French Biomedical Agency.

That is the case of excess embryos; fetuses whose condition cannot exist in the uterus or hold for birth; fetuses with genetic abnormalities should be studied for scientific work.

According to Carine Camby, general director of the French Biomedical Authority, France has about 120,000 people kept frozen in medical support centers for in vitro fertilization.

40% of these embryos are registered by couples for the purpose of giving birth.

The French biomedical agency is responsible for ensuring research activities on human embryos and on stem cells, taking place safely, qualitatively, transparently, respecting the strict regulations of biological law.