Free website analytics tool

Google is currently preparing to launch a free web analytics service that allows companies to know exactly how visitors have interacted with their site, as well as know the effectiveness of the site. advertising campaign of that site .

Picture 1 of Free website analytics tool Google has bought this web analytics technology from Urchin since March 2005, and is currently compatible with the world's 16 most popular languages.

Paul Muret, a technical director at Google, said the Google Analytics tool allows website owners to identify exactly which items on their site are most popular, whichever is the most popular. Average time to visit the website .

The most unique thing about Google Analytics is that marketing companies can also use this tool to check the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns by automatically responding to all data related to User-searched keywords on websites that advertise products. From the number of keyword statistics, advertisers will evaluate the effectiveness of the money they have spent.

Users who want to use Google Analytics should visit here to register for a Google AdWords account.