Frog fish

Picture 1 of Frog fish Picture 2 of Frog fish The frog fish Histriohistrio belongs to the family of finfish - the lower fins look like legs. However, while most of the housefishes live on the bottom of the sea, frogs live in the water layer near the sea. This fish often lives in the middle of the horsetail.

These frogs are difficult to detect because they are mixed in algae, their bodies are cleverly camouflaged almost completely mixed into algae color. The shape of H.histrio 's fish is strange, all over his body, there are tassels that look like seaweed to help them disguise their eyes and enemies as well as their prey. They have many bulging fins on their bodies that look like bubbles of ponytail.

Their skin is smooth, scaly, soft and has folds. The skin has many colors ranging from creamy to bluish brown or dark brown. There are many bumps and lots of blobs that do not follow any order. Their skin looks very similar to frog skins, so they are given the name "frog fish".

This incredible camouflage style makes it easy for them to approach prey without being detected. When it came to the right range, the frogfish opened its jaws and sucked water together with the prey into the mouth. Their main food is invertebrates and small fish. However, frog fish can also swallow prey as big as half of their size, sometimes they are ready to eat their fellow humans.

In addition to the stalking way of hunting like frogs, the fish hunted like bait. Part of their dorsal fin with small forward-looking strands used as bait, every naive small fish that thought it was a good prey, would soon be sucked into the crumpled mouth. there.

Frog fish can use their fins to insert themselves into algae. Because of their strong fins so they can crawl, the fins can actually grasp the algae body when frogs "climb" around the horse-tail algae.

Picture 3 of Frog fish If they are attacked by enemies they will quickly suck water in, pumping themselves into a big ball that makes enemies unable to swallow them. Sometimes they are suddenly threatened by enemies, in that emergency situation, frog fish jump out of the water to hide on a floating algae. They can live out of the water for a while.

Frogfish are present in almost all places with horse-tail algae (in tropical waters). Sometimes they are also seen far away from where they are often - these cases are caused by storms that sweep away the horsetail and thus carry frogs, but if they come to cold waters frogs will not survive.

Adult H.histrio fish have a body that is 15 - 19 cm long, but their gills are small but their mouths are large. People often catch these exotic and beautiful fish for sale to hobbyists.