Gene decides the ability of human memory

Human ability to remember and learn can be determined by genes. The latest study, published Sept. 15, showed that mice were more receptive to implantation of a human gene version and communication.

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Foxp2 is one of several genes that scientists believe is related to human speech and language ability. In the study published in the Journal of the National Academy of Sciences, scientists conducted genetic modification in mice to reconstruct the Foxp2 gene structure in mice.

The results then showed that these experimental mice had progress in remembering the direction when running in a T-model.

Picture 1 of Gene decides the ability of human memory

According to the scientific world, the process of learning in humans is the process of converting an action into a daily routine. This process requires the use of inductive memory, the type of memory used to remember encrypted events and places to become permanent memory.

This is a memory used to store repeated actions repeatedly. After this metabolism, an action can become a daily routine and sometimes become almost natural reflexes like swimming, driving .

Through a mouse memory test, researchers examined the behavior of the two types of memory in mice as well as the interaction between these two types of memory. Results showed that mice with Foxp2 mutated mice and mice often did not differ when using only one type of memory.

However, in transgenic mice, the superiority of the transition from inductive memory to permanent memory, in other words, mice with the Foxp2 gene were better able to remember directions.

According to experts from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and many European universities, the Foxp2 gene produces a protein that makes it easier to convert intentional action to habitual action. Gene Foxp2 was first discovered in a study of a family with many members having difficulty communicating.

Scientists say that people with defects in this gene will have difficulty in acquiring and expressing language in the form of spoken and written words.

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