Genetically modified mosquitoes prevent dengue

Brazil will release an army of genetically modified mosquitoes into the environment to prevent dengue epidemic spread across Brazil, causing nearly 500,000 people to get sick in the first six months of 2012.

Picture 1 of Genetically modified mosquitoes prevent dengue
Aedes aegypti mosquito

AFP quoted Brazil's Ministry of Health on July 10 as saying: "Genetically modified mosquitoes will help limit the proliferation of Aedes aegypti, the cause of dengue outbreaks in Brazil."

When released into dengue outbreaks, male genetically modified mosquitoes will mate with Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, creating 'descendants' that do not carry dengue viruses, helping to prevent dengue outbreaks. widespread spread, according to the Brazilian Ministry of Health.

Genetically modified mosquitoes are now cultured in a laboratory in the state of Bahia (Brazil), and it is expected that four million mosquitoes will be in battle this week.

The method of using genetically modified mosquitoes to prevent dengue fever has been successfully tested in Brazil a few months ago.

According to AFP, there is no vaccine for dengue.