How to distinguish dengue fever mosquitoes from normal mosquitoes

Probably everyone knows that dengue fever is caused by zoonotic mosquitoes. But there are still many people who have not been able to distinguish between mosquitoes that cause dengue and common mosquitoes, why they are capable of transmitting diseases . This article will help you to answer all the bugs about this scary mosquito.

Dengue is essentially caused by a virus, but the virus does not naturally spread to humans. Midges are the vectors of disease transmission.

Among the preventive measures, the most effective way is to prevent mosquito bites and repel mosquitoes. And the important thing to kill this 'vector' is to understand the characteristics of the mosquitoes and how to distinguish them from other mosquitoes.

Dengue and mosquitoes cause disease

Dengue is a disease caused by Dengue virus, specifically, this virus has 4 different serotypes: DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, DEN-4. Therefore, you should not mistake that if you already have this disease, you will not have it again. So a person who is likely to get dengue 4 times in their lifetime is at risk. Because when infected for the first time, the person is still at risk of getting 3 more times due to the remaining types of virus.

Recently, dengue fever is showing signs of rapid spread. More specifically, there were times when the disease broke out into a pandemic, confusing people. So far, the disease has not had specific treatment drugs, as well as vaccines.

Anyone can be the target of dengue fever, the most worrying thing is children, because of their immature resistance. According to statistics, children between the ages of 4 and 9 often have the highest risk. For children under 1 year of age, the disease will be extremely dangerous.

Signs distinguish mosquitoes that cause dengue fever from others

In addition to the mosquito that causes dengue fever, there is another common mosquito, Anophen. Differentiate them through the following characteristics:

1. Anophen mosquito

If midges are the cause of dengue fever, Anophen mosquitoes transmit malaria as equally dangerous. Anophen mosquitoes transmit malaria parasites to humans, the disease also spreads quickly and easily into an epidemic.

Adult mosquitoes are usually dark brown and black, the body is divided into three parts head, chest, abdomen. Different from other mosquitoes, resting belly will be up, not down. The length of the mosquito's body is equal to the length of the proboscis, on wings with black and white scales.

This malaria mosquito usually breeds in fresh water areas. Mosquito eggs are capable of survive at cold temperatures. Female mosquitoes mate many times throughout their lives, even if they only live for a few weeks to a month, they suck blood to replenish nutrients for the eggs. When biting mosquitoes corner 50 to 90 degrees from the substrate.

Malaria mosquitoes operate from sunset to sunrise. They usually park indoors for a few hours after burning people. After that, they often reside in the bushes, crevices.

2. Striped mosquito

Picture 1 of How to distinguish dengue fever mosquitoes from normal mosquitoes
Mosquitoes that cause dengue are black mosquitoes, with white spots on their body and legs.

Midges are mosquitoes that cause dengue fever, especially the aedes aegypti strain. Because we do not know much about the characteristics of mosquitoes' living and working, home fever prevention is still ineffective. Therefore, when it comes to appointment, dengue fever 'emerges' as an annual event.

Characteristics to identify this type of mosquito causing dengue is black mosquitoes, on the body and legs with white spots should be called midges . The female mosquito will bite people and they are vigorous during the day, especially early in the morning and in the evening. Their home is the dark place like the corner of the house, on clothes, blankets.

Mosquitoes breed in ponds, puddles or other water containers around the house such as cisterns, jars, jars, jars, wells, vases, etc. or even household bottles.

Mosquito eggs will hatch when exposed to water, mosquito eggs can survive in dry conditions for months. During their lifetime, females can lay eggs up to 5 times, each time to dozens of eggs.

How do mosquitoes transmit dengue fever?

The path of transmission can begin with the after the female aedes aegypti mosquitoes suck blood from dengue fever and carry the pathogen. The incubation period of mosquitoes is 10 - 12 days, this is the time for the virus to multiply and then move to the salivary glands of mosquitoes. Then, mosquitoes spread the disease to the healthy people through the bite.

Patients are also the source of transmission of the virus to other mosquitoes. Especially when mosquitoes change their hosts often, they risk spreading the virus to more people. That is also the reason why the disease became a major epidemic.

To prevent mosquito bites in the rainy season effectively

The rainy season is also the peak season in which mosquitoes breed. Therefore, in order to not want to become a 'food source' for mosquitoes and avoid the risk of dengue fever, we can immediately apply the following measures:

1. Wear long-sleeved clothing

These are peeling in simple ways to limit the exposed skin outside making mosquitoes more vulnerable to attack. These long-sleeved outfits also act as a protective layer for the skin from mosquito attack.

White, green, yellow and orange costumes will be a good suggestion for you. According to many studies mosquitoes quite like black as well as dark colors. So don't wear dark colors or too many textures to avoid attracting mosquitoes.

2. Do not walk around places where mosquitoes live

Places such as ponds, lakes, and dense grasses are habitats of this type of mosquito causing dengue fever. Therefore, limit travel or stay in these areas for a long time to avoid becoming a 'bait' for mosquitoes!

3. Keep the feet clean

The paradox is that while the smelly feet make us uncomfortable, it is very 'seductive' to mosquitoes.

Scientists at the University of California Riverside, in the US, sat down with a pair of boxers to see which mosquitoes like to bite the most, resulting in feet. But after washing their feet with soap, they found that mosquitoes attacked other random parts of their bodies.

So to keep yourself hygiene and limit mosquito bites, you need to clean your body as well as clean feet.

4. Wash your home with citrus oil

If the smells of peppermint, oranges and tangerines are the scents that people love, then they are the scents that mosquitoes are so envious of. Using essential oils to break the house will help you both relax and prevent mosquitoes from coming closer. For the convenience of both ways, buy your family an inhaler with the essential oils mentioned above!

5. Clean the house clean, eliminate mosquito breeding environment

Cleaning homes and cleaning the environment are always the guideline in preventing spread diseases. In particular, you need to pay attention to clean hygiene in places where mosquitoes reside such as corners of the closet.

Indoor water containers need to be cleaned regularly at least once a week. Besides, you need to cover their surface to prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs. The collection and removal of household waste is also a way to limit where mosquitoes stay and breed.

If possible, you can install mosquito nets for doors and windows. Mosquito nets both help prevent mosquitoes, prevent insects and help prevent dust.

You can work with local health authorities to conduct mosquito repellent spraying in and around your home.

6. Add vitamin B1-rich foods to the whole family

Picture 2 of How to distinguish dengue fever mosquitoes from normal mosquitoes
Foods rich in vitamin B1.

Using foods rich in vitamin B1 such as green beans, potatoes will make the blood taste uncomfortable for mosquitoes. You can also apply vitamin B1 to the skin. Put 1 tablet of B1 into a small cup of water, wait until the medicine dissolves and then use a cotton ball to apply water to the skin. Interestingly, this odor is not offensive to humans and is a very safe tip to protect children from mosquitoes.

In addition, you should apply some other measures such as using mosquito sprays, mosquito repellent, electric bat to kill mosquitoes or sleeping nets to prevent mosquito bites.

Dengue is a quite dangerous disease, can cause many serious complications, if not properly detected and treated. However, this disease can be completely prevented if we take measures to prevent mosquitoes causing dengue effectively. Hopefully through this article, you have gained little experience in preventing mosquito bites.

  1. 6 deadly misconceptions about dengue
  2. How to identify children with dengue fever