Researchers in Indonesia have found a way to fight disease-carrying mosquitoes by breeding an insect that carries bacteria that block viruses like dengue.
Dengue is essentially caused by a virus, but the virus does not naturally spread to humans. Midges are the vectors of disease transmission.
It is no exaggeration to say that mosquitoes are one of the deadliest creatures on our planet.
In order to attract the attention of the enemy, the capuchin monkey will throw stones at the male, the cichlid fish will build a sand castle or a sparrow tent will decorate the
Two Killer Billboards Mosquito billboards in the capital Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, are being used to attract and kill Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes (which can carry Zika virus) by
It is known that since the beginning of the year, there have been 90,000 cases of hemorrhage recorded, of which 24 deaths.
Southern and Central Highlands are in the rainy season creating favorable conditions for mosquitoes to spread disease, so 9 patients of Zika were discovered in this area.
The Zika virus strain in Singapore is likely to evolve from a Zika virus strain that once raged in Southeast Asia since the 60s of the 20th century.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said it did not find any significant impact on the environment when piloting insects against the Zika epidemic in Miami state.
US scientists on June 28 announced that they have successfully tested the Zika virus vaccine on laboratory animals.