Video: Banner to kill mosquitoes, Zika room

Two Killer Billboards Mosquito billboards in the capital Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, are being used to attract and kill Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes (can carry Zika virus) by mimicking the smell of the human body.

Picture 1 of Video: Banner to kill mosquitoes, Zika room
The billboard attracts mosquitoes by giving off a smell like sweat and breathing.

By emitting a solution of lactic acid found in sweat, as well as carbon dioxide found in human breath, Killer Billboards Mosquito can attract mosquitoes in a radius of more than 4km.

The bottom of Killer Billboards Mosquito is the place to install incense and suck mosquitoes into insect trap cage.

Posterscope and NBS are the companies that have taken this initiative.