The trap can destroy 4,000 mosquitoes every night

A trap made from a fan in front of a dog can kill thousands of mosquitoes in one night.

Dan Rojas , editor of the GreenPowerScience science channel, shares an environmentally friendly initiative to trap thousands of mosquitoes every night in the video that attracts more than 623,000 views on YouTube from July 6, according to Long Room.

An important tool in Rojas's initiative is high-power industrial fans . In order to make sure there was nothing other than mosquitoes caught in the fan, Rojas covered a lattice outside the fan. Grid is fixed before the fan by magnet. The magnet's attraction is enough for the mesh to stand against the blow of the fan.

Picture 1 of The trap can destroy 4,000 mosquitoes every night
The trap can catch thousands of mosquitoes every night.

Mosquitoes are often attracted to carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) released by animals. Therefore, Rojas arranged for Rocky named pitbull to be in the stable between two fans. In addition, pigs, chickens and other pets can also be used as bait. For those who don't raise animals, Rojas suggests using a gas-filled mineral water bottle to open it, allowing the carbon dioxide inside to rise.

According to Rojas, the trap can catch thousands of mosquitoes every night. Rojas's trap used to catch about 8,000 mosquitoes in just two nights, then he just needed a spray of alcohol spray on the trapped mosquitoes. Alcohol not only kills mosquitoes but also evaporates quickly, does not save harmful chemicals.

Fan manufacturers often recommend that fans should not be left outdoors all night, but Rojas said there have been no problems for years. For people living in areas with a lot of mosquitoes raging like swamps or lakes, this could be an effective solution to help limit mosquitoes.