The terrible floods and landslides in Brazil killed more than 700 people and left several hundred people missing.

At least 257 people were killed when heavy rains caused floods and landslides in many mountain towns of Brazil yesterday.

During this time, many death holes have appeared in the world and caused many serious consequences, from collapsing houses, collapsing roads, ...

5130 medals of the Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympics are gradually being perfected under the hands of Brazilian artists.

Enjoy the magnificent scenes recorded from the highest points of famous landmarks in the world.

In the history of the world, so many horrible droughts occur, causing rivers, trees to die, and people falling into tragedies.

Not only attracted by the passionate ball fans, Brazil also makes visitors fall for beautiful destinations.

These cable cars not only attract a large number of tourists but also unique architectural works, built with feats.

The images recorded by Envisat satellite give us a new perspective on this planet.

The Japanese call the flowers of spring a fleeting beauty. In the spring, the hearts of people seem to settle when walking slowly under picturesque flower paths. Here are the