Gentle method to help you become a

Let's explore the secrets and scientific methods to become 'super students'!

1. The secret to reading 'smart'

Textbooks are indispensable in student life. Reading textbooks is almost the only way to grasp and understand the knowledge that teachers and teachers convey to us. But not every student has the ability to read smart, while saving time, and increasing the ability to capture information.

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Most of us read at a very slow speed of 200 words per minute. And when he learned that Napoleon read 2,000 words per minute, Balzac read a hundred-page novel within 30 minutes . we couldn't help but admire their great ability.

However, studies have shown that even people can do more. Our eyes and brain are able to absorb 20,000 words per minute. Thus, in fact, people only use 1% of their reading potential.

According to Adam Khoo, the author of the famous book 'I am good, you are too' , about 80% of textbooks use a lot of unnecessary redundant words. The actual amount of information each student needs to master is only about 20%, so it is necessary to have a fast and effective reading method, which helps us quickly grasp the problem.

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Specifically, experts recommend that we read along the vertical line, opening our eyes to read more in the same time period . At the same time, when reading, we should combine with listening to non-verbal music at high speed.

The rhythm of music stimulates the ability of the brain, because people tend to read fast to catch the melody of the music, indirectly increasing our reading speed.

In addition, during the reading process, a pencil marked with keywords is indispensable. It helps us remember the key words easier, so it is easy to imagine the entire text read when reviewing.

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And do not forget to underline the keywords to remember longer

2. Secret notes 'super'

The second step in the process of acquiring knowledge from teachers and teachers of excellent students is to record smart, clear, clear systems. To do that, the mind map created by Tony Buzan in the late 60s of the twentieth century was a perfect choice.

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Model a mind map

Normally, 90% of the subjects in high school only help students develop the ability in the left hemisphere, so students who favor the right hemisphere, good at painting, literature, music . often have advantages and are underdeveloped.

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Many students who are brain-focused must be judged as poor and slow-moving students in high school

The basis of mind mapping is the utilization of the ability of both left and right hemispheres to solve the problem. Simply understood, mind map is the use of combining images, colors and logic to systematically record information. In this way, students can save 60-80% of the time memorized the lesson before each exam.

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Specifically, to create a perfect mind map, follow these steps: first determine the most general and universal knowledge topic, take it as the center. From there, draw small branches with different layers and characteristics.

In each branch, use important keywords to record, create logic, seamless but also very lively, easy to imagine when combined with drawings.

3. The secret 'learn where to remember'

Eran Katz is a master in the world. According to the Guinness Book of Records, Eran Katz remembers 500 numbers in order after just one listening. On the contrary, there are people who even read a book a few dozen times could not remember everything. We think that there are differences in brain and intelligence between the two opposite phenomena?

In fact it is not. According to expert memorizing Harry Lorayne, our brains are similar in remembering ability, only different in the way and method.

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The average human brain is made up of a million million neurons. The connection of these neurons is the essence of information memorization. Estimates, the number of links a person possesses are billions of times more than the atoms that make up the universe (about 10,100 atoms). That proves the near infinite potential of humankind.

To take advantage of that potential, use some of the following tips when memorizing information, you will definitely get the maximum effect. Memory works in the image, so use your imagination, compare yourself when you want to remember anything.

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Listening to music makes people "more adventurous" and remember more deeply

Along with that, imagine the specifics of the colors of each object you want to remember, because colors help increase the memory capacity of the brain by 50%.

Interim: Study well partly based on intelligence and also because you find methods and ways to learn. The key to good learning lies in the beliefs and will of each individual. Change your habits and thoughts right now, soon you will succeed .