Detecting genes 'aggressively' after drinking

American scientists have discovered the gene that makes a gentle person become aggressive and aggressive after drinking alcohol.

Picture 1 of Detecting genes 'aggressively' after drinking
People with the HTR2B gene often become aggressive and aggressive when they drink alcohol. Photo: internet.

A group of scientists at the Maryland Institute for Alcoholism found that the HTR2B gene plays an important role in stimulating violent behaviors in some people after drinking alcohol.

According to the Telegraph , scientists have conducted DNA analysis of people who are aggressive after drinking alcohol and DNA of people without aggressive expression. As a result, the researchers found that the differences between these two groups were in the HTR2B gene.

Specifically, when HTR2B genes are inhibited by alcoholic enzymes, serotonin in the brain will be dramatically reduced causing people to be unable to control unconscious actions such as violence, aggression or negative behaviors. more like addiction, suicide, .

" People with the HTR2B gene often become aggressive and aggressive when they drink alcohol because this gene is inhibited to affect the production of serotonin in the brain ," said Dr. David Goldman, of the Institute for Research. Alcoholism in Maryland, said.

The research team also investigated the effect of HTR2B on behavior in mice. The results showed that when scientists removed or disabled the function of HTR2B, mice often became more aggressive than normal mice.