'Ghosts' row in England

The presence of caterpillars causes many trees in the city of Cambridge, England to look bizarre like "ghosts".

Picture 1 of 'Ghosts' row in England
Caterpillars release spikes on trees in Cambridge, England.

Picture 2 of 'Ghosts' row in England
Silk covers the caterpillars, helping them to stop birds.

Picture 3 of 'Ghosts' row in England
Sometimes people see thousands of worms on a tree.

Picture 4 of 'Ghosts' row in England
They cause great damage to the tree, although the tree can recover next year.

Picture 5 of 'Ghosts' row in England
Entire plants in the Jesus Green area, Cambridge city became the home of caterpillars.

Picture 6 of 'Ghosts' row in England
Countless worms on a tree.

Picture 7 of 'Ghosts' row in England
A worm turns into a butterfly.