Giant black mark on the surface of the Sun.

The satellite of the US Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) captures the image of a dark Japanese hole near the polar region of the Sun.

Picture 1 of Giant black mark on the surface of the Sun.
Dark holes of dark flowers in the polar region of the Sun.(Photo: NASA).

According to NASA, the coronary hole is the areas of thin air in the Sun's atmosphere . Because they contain less solar material, they have lower temperatures and darker colors than the surrounding area. Flower holes are visible under ultraviolet light and X-ray wavelengths.

Scientists have not understood the cause of the Japanese hole in the sun. But this is the source of the super-strong solar wind , which is three times faster than the solar winds in other areas. The solar wind is a plasma flow containing charged particles that bombard from the sun. When a plasma flow is in contact with the Earth's magnetosphere, it can cause magnetic storms, resulting in a spectacular North Pole or serious consequences such as disruption of power supplies and communications.

During the Sun's minimum period, the period lasts about 11 years when the Sun is relatively calm, the coronal hole appears near the polar region, similar to the image captured by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). in early May.

SDO satellites flew into Earth's orbit in 2010, carrying a series of special equipment to observe the Sun.