Glasses anti-facial recognition software

A pair of glasses called 'privacy protection glasses' were invented to counter hidden cameras using facial recognition software.

The prototype of the glasses was designed by scientists at the National Institute of Information Technology in Tokyo, according to the BBC.

Picture 1 of Glasses anti-facial recognition software
Identification equipment designed by Japanese experts - (Photo: NII)

The new device is equipped with an infrared light source, which disrupts the vision of face recognition software, but does not affect the wearer's vision.

Professor Isao Echizen said the trend toward using this type of software is growing, mainly in social networks (tracking images posted on Twitter, Facebook), fashion stores (mounting cameras for dummy) .

For example, from November 2012, some types of camera dummy have been sold on the market, called EyeSee, with the goal of gathering the gender, age and race of the person walking it.

According to Professor Echizen, new glasses, which are connected to a pocket-sized energy source, will be sold at affordable prices.