Gloves manipulate virtual objects

Gloves designed by MIT engineers have the ability to help users draw shapes, create shapes; rearranging virtual objects.

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The manipulation, dragging of virtual objects in the air seems to be just the visuals in the movie "Minority Report . " However, with the glove designed by MIT engineers, the filmmaking experience becomes a reality in the future.

Picture 1 of Gloves manipulate virtual objects
Photo: Hand control of objects in virtual space (Photo: Livescience)

The TETHER control glove, manufactured by Mit's Visually Impressive Media Group, is capable of helping users draw spirals, creating shapes; rearranging virtual objects in increasing or decreasing order; Extending the corners of a virtual cube even disappeared or appeared on certain objects on the tablet's multi-touch screen.

'The system works on the capacitive touch screen principle of the computer combined with the control glove , ' said the MIT website. 'When placed behind the screen, the user's hands can interact directly with the virtual world.'

MIT's system also allows multiple users to control objects in the same virtual space whether they are near or far apart.