Gold does not naturally arise and does not lose itself, but ... falls from the sky

This is a very interesting hypothesis, which is no less reasonable. Because to form an element like gold is extremely difficult.

There is a scientific hypothesis that in the early period about 4 billion years ago, the Earth did not have a piece of gold.

Then these precious metal-containing meteors hit the newly formed Earth. Since then, the chemical element with the Au sign has appeared, becoming the desire for possession of all humanity today.

Picture 1 of Gold does not naturally arise and does not lose itself, but ... falls from the sky
It is not unreasonable for the Inca to believe in gold as the sun god's tears.

"Process r" creates gold

Later, the universe fell into extremely hot, dense, and began to expand. As time went on, the heat cooled down, the photons transformed into many subatomic particles (protons, neutrons and electrons).

Thousands of years later, electrically neutral atoms appear. Three light elements hydrogen, helium and lithium were born, followed by heavy elements.

Picture 2 of Gold does not naturally arise and does not lose itself, but ... falls from the sky
To produce gold requires a process r - or fast neutron capture process.

The process of creating heavy elements is also known as "s process" (s-process, slow neutron capture process). It happens when neutrons attack a nucleus that moves more slowly, capturing the nucleus, forming heavy elements like strontium, barium, lead, and supreme iron.

But to make gold as well as metals much heavier, for example uranium, needs the opposite process. That is the "r process" (r-process, or fast neutron capture process) , occurs when the nucleus moves faster, attacks and traps neutrons.

Although the theory is not complicated, it is almost unthinkable to create a "r" process . It requires the consolidation of three conditions:

  1. Relatively pure neutron source.
  2. The nucleus must be as heavy as the nucleus of iron to catch neutrons.
  3. A hot environment of billions of degrees.

Even the Sun is only a few million degrees hot. And Earth absolutely does not meet these three requirements.

Only one phenomenon in the universe is suitable to create it. That is .

Supernova collisions form "r process"

Supernova explosion is an explosion of a planet. It produces very bright objects, mainly consisting of plasma that flares up for a short time. The apparent magnitude of the star increases dramatically to billions of times.

There are two types of supernova explosions:

  1. A giant planet burns out fusion fuel, loses light pressure, collapses into the core. High density and pressure make it explode.
  2. The white dwarf draws matter from a star flying around it until it reaches the Chandrasekhar limit (the maximum mass of a white dwarf) and fusion explosion.

During the supernova explosion, protons and elctrons in the core are forced to bind together, forming neutrons. It converts the abundant primitive neutron star into iron nuclei, potentially qualifying for the "r process."

Saying "is possible" is because not all supernova explosions reach extreme heat. The wind speed generated by heat can also not be strong enough to blow the nuclei that catch the neutron that has just formed.

Neutrons can also decompose, returning as protons, causing a shortage of neutrons in combination with iron nuclei.

Picture 3 of Gold does not naturally arise and does not lose itself, but ... falls from the sky
In order to create gold, there is a collision between two neutron stars.

But if it is a collision between two neutron stars, the "r process" will definitely happen. When two neutron stars knock their heads together, the heat reaches billions of degrees, each photon can be transformed into 10 neutrons.

"Heavy nuclei are formed in the blink of an eye. Because there are too many neutrons, they are unstable, creating radioactivity. All brilliant luminescence, eventually decaying into gold and platinum" - Brian Metzger, physicist astrophysic theory at Columbia University, USA described.

Gold is a "product" from the universe

In fact, the probability of a neutron star collision is extremely rare . It can only happen in 100 million years, as early as every 10,000 years.

Unlike a supernova explosion, in order to have a neutron star collision, we need two neutron stars located in a binary orbit. Then it took another hundred million years for them to come together. Not to mention, the merger could also create a black hole instead of a larger neutron star. That also means there is no way "process r" happens .

Picture 4 of Gold does not naturally arise and does not lose itself, but ... falls from the sky
It is absolutely certain that humans are unable to produce gold.

Although "process r" is a condition for creating gold, it is still just a theory. In 2013, the Swift satellite obtained a short gamma ray explosion (a type of event that occurs because neutron stars collide), proving the existence of "r process". Unfortunately, we cannot collect the ruins from the explosion to see if it is gold, platinum or uranium.

Anyway, it is absolutely certain that humans are unable to produce gold. The number of gold the green planet has is all the gold it has, unless there is a collision with a certain neutron close enough for gold to enter the Earth's gravity field. But even if that happens, no one will live and run to pick up gold.