Google anti-glazed device

Japanese scientists have created an eyeglass device called 'Anti-Glass', for those who want to avoid the sight of the Google mirror.

The expert team, led by Professor Isao Echizen of the Institute of Computing in Japan, introduced 11 eyeglasses that emit near-infrared light directly onto Google's cameras.

The light was not in the sight of the naked eye, but on the film, it was so bright that it was impossible to see the person wearing the Anti-Glass .

Picture 1 of Google anti-glazed device
Anti-Glass emits infrared light near the camera of Google - (Image:

According to, the study is arguably the best example of a faction trying to avoid being shot or glazed by Google.

Google, which costs $ 1,500, is currently limited to 2,000 people, but will be widely available later this year.

Many people are concerned about Google's line of devices, due to the ability to capture confidential images without being exposed.

Explaining the reason for the creation of 'Anti-Glass' , Professor Echizen said he is particularly concerned about the future appearance of face recognition software, and that Google may infringe on the privacy of the individuals in the community.

Nowhere in the community is 'hating the glass of Google' , and among those banned by the glass is a cafe, striptease club, cinema, casino ...