Tracking Point introduced the idea of using an application called ShotView that combines Google Glass with a viewfinder of a rifle.
After the glass Google Glass appeared on the market, many people worry that wearing glasses when driving can cause distraction.
A blogger from Russia, Eldar Murtazin, has revealed on Twitter that Samsung is developing a smart glass similar to Google Glass and will launch in April or May 2014.
Japanese scientists have created an eyeglass device called 'Anti-Glass', for those who want to avoid the sight of the Google mirror.
Google will not be the only company with smart glass products, because a Sony patent application reveals that Sony is also building a similar device.
In addition to the ability to identify faces, smart glass Google Glass can also help wearers identify acquaintances through clothing, according to news reports New Scientist (UK)
German experts have just introduced a high-tech, writing-on-air glove, suitable for use with Google Glass. The introduction of the so-called 'air pen' is seen as an omen for the
Google has confirmed the use of bone transmission technology for the Google Glass, eyeglasses help users can replace most tasks on the computer.