Google introduces a basic AI learning and learning website

How the machine learns how or how artificial intelligence handles every problem. You've probably heard of the concept of AI in today's digital age. But to understand the most basic and intuitive is not easy.

Desiring to support the most basic knowledge of AI for everyone, Google has built a special website called Teachable Machine . With just 2 minutes of surfing, you will have more basic knowledge of AI, especially related to what AI can or cannot do.

Picture 1 of Google introduces a basic AI learning and learning website
With just 2 minutes of surfing, you will have more basic knowledge about AI.

Teachable Machine will use the user's webcam to train a basic AI program . Just click the "train green / purple / orange" button , the computer will record whatever they see through your webcam.

Once you fully understand the knowledge, the machine will export to a format you want, such as GIF files, sound effects or simply a few sentences.

Software engineer Nikhil Thorat has developed a complex neural network, supporting the face recognition feature of Teachable Machine. Thorat also belongs to the deeplearn.js development team, an open source library that allows web developers to train and test machine learning models in browsers.

The website is actually quite interesting considering some basic aspects of machine learning. First, similar machine learning programs acquire knowledge by examples. They look, learn patterns and remember information. After that, machine learning will need a lot of other examples to continue learning more. Finally, most importantly, the machine's understanding of the world is only superficial, and they can easily disappear or be fooled.

Picture 2 of Google introduces a basic AI learning and learning website
Teachable Machine will use the user's webcam to train a basic AI program.

In the test of The Verge site, the trainer taught the machine to learn how to identify indoor plants. But the truth is, this person is just teaching them how to recognize blue and gray pixels. All your images and videos are not stored on Google's servers to ensure maximum user privacy.

It is known that the Teachable Machine is the result of a collaborative effort between many Støj, Use All Five studios, Creative Lab and PAIR (Google).

Another experiment different from Teachable Machine.