'Green beans' galaxy

Observatories in Chile and Hawaii (USA) have identified a new type of galaxy called mung bean galaxy, due to their unusual appearance and strange light.

Picture 1 of 'Green beans' galaxy
The green bean galaxy belongs to the constellation Aquarius

These newly discovered galaxies shine green, and belong to the rarest celestial bodies in the universe, according to Space.com quoted the Southern European Observatory (ESO).

While the gas at the center of many galaxies comes from the energy of a black hole, the entire green bean galaxy shines brightly not just at the center.

The first observed greenpox galaxy lies in the constellation Aquarius, and its light takes about 3.7 billion light-years to reach Earth.

After the discovery, astronomers reviewed the list of nearly 1 billion other galaxies and confirmed an additional 16 subjects with similar characteristics.

Traditional galaxies have few areas to shine, but in galactic green beans, the ionized gas is as big as the galaxy itself. Ionized oxygen emits green light, helping explain the strange colors of the rare "inhabitants" in the universe.