Guns can trigger impulsive thoughts even when the person holding it is a good person

A recent study by American scientists shows that, even if you look at someone holding a gun, whether they are good or bad, it can stimulate violent, hostile and dangerous thoughts. dangerous at you.

Recently a study has shown, how can holding a gun affect the thoughts and actions of another person.

Since the early 60s of the last century, researchers have been constantly wondering about the question, whether the presence of a gun increases a person's aggression and impulsiveness.

Picture 1 of Guns can trigger impulsive thoughts even when the person holding it is a good person
A picture of a person holding a gun can also stimulate violent thoughts to appear.

In the latest study published in the Journal of Social Psychological and Personality Science, researchers have found that the appearance of a gun can increase Aggressive , aggressive thoughts of a person. Even a photo of a gunman can stimulate violent thoughts to appear.

According to Psypost , it all comes from the weapon effect . Do you know how much the effect of weapons is? According to a study by scientists Leonard Berkowitz and Anthony LePage in 1967, "Guns not only create violence, they can also stimulate us. We often see fingers squeezing a gun but The trigger seemed to be pulling the finger more correctly. "

Yes, this study has shown something called a weapon effect. That is when seeing weapons, especially guns, people tend to be more aggressive and agitated than others.

Meanwhile, with the latest research by scientist Brad J. Bushman and colleagues at Ohio State University, they only focus on understanding the influence of contextual factors leading to this phenomenon.

The study revolves around whether or not different types of people hold guns but can still formulate negative, negative thoughts regardless of their perceptions and people. The study included two separate experiments.

The first experiment had 470 participants aged 18-22 years old. The objects will be viewed with 8 images that are people who use guns to fight people. The photos include: criminals carrying guns; soldiers in the army, police wearing uniforms and guns; police wear plain clothes and no guns .

Picture 2 of Guns can trigger impulsive thoughts even when the person holding it is a good person
Regardless of when you see someone holding a gun or using a gun, it will stimulate dangerous impulsive thoughts.

After the audience looked at the picture, they were asked to complete sentences of 22 words as quickly as possible to measure negative thoughts. Specific images that volunteers see have a significant impact on the number of words they spell. Especially the presence of a gun can stimulate aggressive thoughts among participants regardless of who carries the gun in the image of a good person or a bad guy with different costumes.

For the second experiment of 627 people aged 18-80, the researchers did the same thing, but the subjects were looking at the calm, calmly holding guns and targeting, not human. Research has found that when a person sees someone holding a gun, they seem to be more aggressive, more aggressive than the photos of calm people without guns.

The common point of these studies is mainly to clarify the weapon effect and partly to show that, regardless of when you see a person holding a gun or using a gun, it will also stimulate impulsive thoughts very dangerous. .

Unfortunately, the limitation of these two studies is that there is no direct measure of aggression in participants. Hopefully future research will further clarify the effect of weapons effects on people's thoughts and actions.

However, the study also opens up very important theories. If you grasp the effects of weapons effects, the authorities will know how to minimize gun shootings and mutual payments with guns.