Has Mars ever had life?

Analysis of the data allowed NASA scientists to hypothesize: in the past, Mars had life.

Picture 1 of Has Mars ever had life?
The Allen Hills meteorite sees life on Mars? (Photo: NASA)

Creatures from Mars may have landed on Earth, at least in the form of ancient bacteria. The team of scientists at NASA suggested that the same team had discovered the Allen Hills controversial meteorite and published new data, indicating that the interior of the rock from Mars had its source. biological origin.

The Allen Hills meteorite fueled a widespread debate in 1996 when both NASA and the White House declared in a way that life on Earth came from Mars. President Bill Clinton's speech at the time could be considered a heavy prophecy, ending all doubts.

Mr Clinton said: "Those evidence have revealed the possibility of forming life. If this finding is recognized, it will certainly be one of the most shocking findings about the universe that science has never examined. break it down '.

NASA scientists have recently investigated meteorites with high resolution electron microscopes and observed very characteristic carbonate plates and plates. They argue that the structure proves to have high chemical purity, typically for biological signature, not geological specimens. In other words, it is extremely similar to the type of bacteria, called the magnetic bacteria on Earth.

Scientists at NASA's Space Center in Houston have detailed their findings in the recent issue of Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. However, other astrophysicists at the Ames Research Center, near San Francisco and the Jet Engine Laboratory in Pasadensa, are both under NASA refuting the arguments surrounding these findings.

Perhaps the Earth has to answer the question long ago without any answer, is there any other life outside the planet? If not in the Star Wars, the result of the battle is Mars 1, Earth 0.