Have you ever wondered: Where do mosquitoes go?

Mosquitoes and cockroaches are the two most obnoxious animals on earth. Cockroaches hate it because it's foul and dirty. Just a cockroach walking around the tray is immediately an unpleasant smell. As for mosquitoes, they are too small for us to smell, but they are extremely harmful and obnoxious creatures.

Mosquitoes are not as gentle as cockroaches, they especially like our blood. And since they can fly (cockroaches can also fly only a short distance), they are more annoying to humans than cockroaches. And yet, mosquitoes are also the most dangerous animal in the world when it is the cause of many human deaths every year.

Picture 1 of Have you ever wondered: Where do mosquitoes go?
Mosquitoes are a "vector" that directs many viruses and parasites and is responsible for the death of a significant portion of the world's population every year.(Photo source: tacio philip / Fotolia).

However, have you ever noticed that these annoying and annoying mosquitoes often work at night? This does not mean they completely disappear during the day, but the truth is that you are often bitten by mosquitoes at night (or in dark, wet places .) rather than during the day.

Why do mosquitoes like to suck blood from people at night? Where do they go during the day?

Quick answer: Most mosquitoes often "sleep" during the day and work hard at night. This is because if mosquitoes jump and "work" in sunlight and in hot weather, it is very easy to die from dehydration. To make sure they are "working" in a cool environment when getting out of their "shelter" , most mosquitoes will entice themselves in the nest all day, only foraging at night. .

Now we will learn more about some things about this hateful animal.

Why do mosquitoes suck human blood?

There is a serious problem that people are facing with mosquitoes: The community of this tiny creature is very fond of sucking on our blood.

However, why do they do that? Many people think they suck human blood to get more nutrition and energy, to stay healthy and live longer . But is that true?

Picture 2 of Have you ever wondered: Where do mosquitoes go?
Only female mosquitoes bite and suck human blood.

If the above is what you think about mosquitoes, then allow me to correct two issues:

First , only female mosquitoes bite and suck human blood. Moreover, humans are not the only species infected by mosquitoes. Mosquitoes also attack other animals. In contrast, male mosquitoes do not suck blood, they only eat nectar.

Second , female mosquitoes do not suck blood for nutritional purposes. The truth is they don't get much energy or nutritional value from your blood. Instead, they use protein and certain blood components to develop their eggs.

In essence, our blood is used by mosquitoes to create more mosquitoes for this beautiful earth.

Now, let's go back to our first question: where do mosquitoes go?

So where do the mosquitoes go?

According to Science ABC, during the daytime, because of the impact of sunlight, especially when it is hot, people are very susceptible to dehydration. So are mosquitoes. And because they are fragile, weak, they will easily die if dehydrated due to sunlight. Therefore, to preserve life, most mosquitoes (such as Culex) will stay in their shelter all day to avoid the sun's scary sun. Their shelters are usually warm, wet areas with lots of trees and grass, and also built areas such as stables, bathroom corners and closets .

Do all mosquitoes suck blood at night?

The answer is no.There are some species of mosquitoes that have the opposite habit: working during the day and resting when the sun goes down. Asian Tiger and Aedes (names of two mosquito species) are typical examples. And some other mosquitoes can go on foraging at any time of the day, it is all good, not caring about the night or the day.

And although mosquitoes like to work at night or during the day, some of the mosquitoes on the earth are extremely dangerous.

Picture 3 of Have you ever wondered: Where do mosquitoes go?
Anopheles albimanus - malaria mosquito.

Anopheles - mosquitoes that work mainly at night or when dark - are the biggest threat to human health and even life. They are the only "vectors" that are extremely effective for malaria to reach us. Aede - a mosquito active during the day - is known as a transit and spread of diseases such as dengue and yellow fever.

All in all, although most mosquitoes shelter during the day and are active at night or in humid places, there are still a few mosquitoes that can "work" all day and night. Because, the best thing we can do to keep ourselves safe from the death kisses of some dead mosquitoes is to try to keep the place clean, regularly check the dark areas, keep the The corner of the house and in your closet are always clean and dry.

Thus, obnoxious mosquitoes will not have many opportunities to infect you by sucking blood, or at least they do not have much blood to develop and nurture their "dangerous" offspring in the future.