Hearing aids help increase hearing ability by 50%

Doctors at the Massachusetts Institute of Ophthalmology (USA) have introduced a device that can help improve the hearing ability of deaf people.

Picture 1 of Hearing aids help increase hearing ability by 50%

BAHA creates mechanical vibrations of the bones to impact the ear in a nerve impulse going to the ear and then to the brain

The device, called BAHA, is attached to the skull to transmit sound through the bone. It has been used for many years to restore hearing in patients with middle and outer ear diseases such as tumors, prolonged infections in the ears . and other problems that make sounds impossible. going into the inner ear reduces the patient's hearing ability.

Unlike a cochlear implant device, BAHA is not able to help deaf people with hearing loss.

To use BAHA, patients need to undergo a simple operation to implant the device. Through a study on BAHA-linked patients, the researchers said the device helped patients improve hearing ability by 25-50%.

The cost of equipment and surgery ranges from 10,000 to 15,000 USD.