New hearing aid device

Functional deaf patients can restore normal hearing with new implants to replace the middle ear.

Specialist Bo Hakansson, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), said the implant, jointly invented with Sahlgrenska University Hospital (Sweden), could be inserted into the subcutaneous part of the ear part. , and connect with the skull.

The new technique uses skull bones to transmit sound vibrations to the inner ear, called bone conduction, according to expert Hakansson.

Picture 1 of New hearing aid device
New implant devices can replace middle ear for humans
Functional deafness - (Photo: Chalmers University of Technology)

'You will hear 50% of the sound that you emit through bone transmission, so the sound sensation here is quite natural' , according to the Examiner news page quoted Mr. Hakansson.

Sweden's bone transfer implant devices are not the same as the same devices used today.

Accordingly, it does not need to be attached to the skull bone with titanium screws through the skin. The patient does not need to fear that the screw will fall and eliminate the skin infection around the fixed point.

This technique is designed to treat cases of hearing loss due to inflammation of the outer ear or middle ear, or bone disease, or congenital hearing outside the ear or middle ear.

People who fall into this situation often have problems with normal hearing aids. These devices are only used for people with neurological disorders in the inner ear, not very effective for people with deaf functions.