Very small hearing aid device

The new technology enables a strong improvement in hearing ability in people with hearing loss, while contributing to simplifying the transplant process.

The Fraunhofer Institute of Germany has just introduced a new, extremely small implant that can be implanted easily and quickly, especially suitable for those who are too old or paralyzed who cannot spend many hours. surgery.

Picture 1 of Very small hearing aid device
Fraunhofer Institute's new hearing aids - (Photo: Fraunhofer)

The strong improvement in the German research institute's new device is the electro-acoustic transducer, which translates electronic signals into vibrating activity, according to NBC News.

The microphone and the external ear relays act as the audio signal through a wireless connection to the inner ear, where the adapter is mounted.

The hearing aids available on the market today also work similarly, but are very cumbersome and require a lot of installation process.

In contrast, this device can be placed in the ear within a few minutes and only needs an incision.