Hemp bone lumbar spine, an expression of spinal degeneration

Currently, many people are suffering from degenerative spinal disease from young to old, office workers to heavy porters . To help treat quickly and effectively, disease I have to understand what is spinal degeneration?

Why is the phenomenon of spinal degeneration?

Picture 1 of Hemp bone lumbar spine, an expression of spinal degeneration
Location and names of symptoms of spinal degeneration

Lumbar spondylosis is just one manifestation of osteoarthritis . Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease, characterized by progressive degenerative lesions of articular cartilage and intervertebral discs that cause joint pain and deformity, but rarely associated inflammation. The disease also has other names such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. The disease occurs in the elderly and the incidence increases with age.

Normally, articular cartilage is composed mainly of water, collagen and proteoglycan. When cartilage of the intervertebral disc is degraded, cartilage cells are lost or reduced, causing cartilage regeneration to be disturbed, causing the distribution force on the vertebral body to be uneven, causing the vertebral bone to increase and withstand The result is the formation of outer spine bone spine. Bone spines are coarse and dense.

Picture 2 of Hemp bone lumbar spine, an expression of spinal degeneration

Especially , osteoarthritis , resulting in the formation of bone spines that can appear right from the early stages of the disease, often accompanied by other structural changes such as cartilage wear, reduced height of intervertebral discs and thick bone under cartilage. These structural changes can be seen clearly on the X-ray of the lumbar spine straight and inclined. According to Framingham's study in the US, the rate of osteoarthritis with clinical symptoms is 6% in people over 30 years old. X-ray symptoms are much higher (20-30%) in people aged 55-65 years.

What is the cause of spinal degeneration?

  1. Difficult living conditions, inadequate eating.
  2. Work, labor heavy and too early. For example, carrying loads, carrying burdens from 12, 13 years old, when the skeleton is still in the development stage, not shaped, completed.
  3. Unreasonable exercise and sports.
  4. Regularly carry, carry, push, pull heavy objects in a wrong position.
  5. In young people who sit and work in one place, sedentary as workers, office workers, joints are less active, pinched, blood circulation is poor, bone cells lack nutrition. Nursing leads to degeneration
  6. Excess weight allows the spine to always support the body.
  7. Typically, the disease occurs in people aged 35, 40 or older. The rate of spinal degeneration in men and women is nearly the same although the cause is relatively different in both sexes. If men are mostly due to heavy labor, extreme sports, women are due to calcium deficiency, the consequences of pregnancy and childbirth without timely and adequate compensation.
  8. Because the blood does not provide enough nutrients and oxygen to feed the bones, the bones degenerate, the lime is often found in the neck vertebrae, spine and joints.
  9. Elderly people due to reduced metabolism, increased degeneration of cells, the higher the age of bone degeneration.

Clinical characteristics of lumbar spinal degeneration

There are three main clinical features: acute back pain, chronic back pain and sciatica.

Acute back pain

Common in ages 30-40. Pain appears after a strong, excessive, sudden, left-handed movement. Pain increases when sneezing, pushing, changing posture, especially when there is a bulging disc causing compression of the nerves or pressing nerve roots.

Chronic back pain

Common in people over 40 years old. Dull ache, pain along the legs and thighs, increased pain during exercise, weather changes. Especially pain that limits movement (difficulty turning, bending .). Spinal x-rays often show signs of vertebral spine growth, subclinical osteosarcoma, with subarachnoid bone defects.

Picture 3 of Hemp bone lumbar spine, an expression of spinal degeneration


Often patients have a history of chronic lumbar pain. When the patient has sudden movements or calves, carrying heavy objects appears signs of nervous pressure. For diagnosis, patients need computerized tomography, resonance from the lumbar spine.

Treatment of lumbar spinal degeneration

There is no cure for osteoarthritis. Treatment should be carried out when symptoms appear. First, in acute exacerbations of the disease requires the use of non-steroidal analgesics, combined with simple analgesics, muscle relaxants. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics are the most used group of drugs. In the past, people used classic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and diclofenac. However, these drugs have the effect of irritating the gastric mucosa, causing ulcers, gastric perforation, gastrointestinal bleeding. Currently, research and clinical practice have demonstrated that COX-2 selective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the safest drugs for treatment.

People also use drugs that slow the degeneration process, can even improve the degenerative joint structure. It is also possible to enhance the nutrition of cartilage with high animals, endocrine drugs .

Picture 4 of Hemp bone lumbar spine, an expression of spinal degeneration
Daily physical therapy exercises for people with spinal degeneration


  1. For effective prevention, it is necessary to first detect deformities of bones, joints and spine for prompt treatment.
  2. Obese people need a reasonable diet to lose weight .
  3. Need to exercise sport at the level of health allowed.
  4. In labor and living, avoid bad postures, as well as sudden, strong movements.
  5. Periodic health checks for heavy workers.