Exercise to prevent spinal degeneration

When treating back pain due to spinal degeneration, people often use anti-inflammatory analgesics, muscle relaxants. However, some people suffer from gastric and duodenal diseases, the use of these drugs often suffers from complications such as pain, gastric hemorrhage, gastric perforation, so the use of drugs becomes difficult.

Treating back pain using medicine is just a passive remedy and the treatment results do not last long. A combination of medication therapy and exercise and sports training must be combined to get quick results and limit recurrence.

Training for back pain due to spinal degeneration: One of the main tasks in the treatment of lumbar spinal degeneration is to create a firm fulcrum for the lumbar spine by strengthening the muscles and ligament ligament. back. When these muscles are well trained, they reduce the burden on the spine and intervertebral discs. Reinforced muscle ligaments and ligaments will prevent recurrence of lumbar pain.

Exercise must follow the principle of leisurely, gentle exercise, without causing pain. Correct movement, combining deep, rhythmic breathing, gradually increase the level of exercise to enhance the flexibility of the spinal joints, enhance the strength and flexibility of muscle mass, ligaments in the back, Help balance the necessary posture of the spine, gradually reduce the feeling of pain. The first stage can be combined with painkillers, then give up the medication, only combine exercise and massage.

Picture 1 of Exercise to prevent spinal degeneration Exercising back pain exercises includes two stages: the first stage of stretching exercises and increasing the flexibility of the spinal joints, after the feeling of pain is reduced or disappeared, proceed to the set Exercises to strengthen muscle groups and ligaments in the lumbar region.

Some exercises reinforce the back muscles and ligaments

Note: these exercises are only used in the stable phase of the disease. Before starting the exercise, you need to practice breathing for 1-2 minutes.

Practice breathing as follows : Lying on your back, one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach. Lift your abdomen and breathe air into your lungs. Breathe through your nose and breathe through your mouth. Hold the abdomen in a lifting position. Returning to the starting position, repeat the breathing exercise for 1-2 minutes.

After practicing breathing, start exercising:

Lesson 1 : Practice in the supine position. The legs are bent at the knees, the feet are placed on the floor, hands are on the feet. Lumbar on the floor. Then slowly raise the buttocks of the pelvis with the spleen of the chest spine on the floor - exhale. Try to stretch each vertebra. Then slowly lower the body to the floor, 'put each vertebra on one floor', inhale. Repeat the movement 7-10 times.

Lesson 2 . Back position. Bend the legs at the knees, lift the legs upwards so that the knee is on the hip joint, the belly is tight. Slowly straighten each leg - exhale, bend your legs - inhale. Repeat 7-10 times for each leg.

Lesson 3. The supine position. The legs bend at the knees, the hands are intertwined at the back of the neck. Lift the head and shoulders off the floor to the shoulder bone - exhale. Lower - inhale. Repeat the movement 10-12 times.

Lesson 4. Lying posture. The hands bend at the elbows, the elbows are at shoulder level, relying on the forearm. Lift the chest, neck stretching. Lift your buttocks up to your shoulders, shrink your legs at your knees. Breathe evenly and keep in this position for 30-60 minutes. Then slowly return to the original posture. Repeat 5-6 times.

Lesson 5. Posture against the floor. Hold your back straight and lift your left hand and right leg up high - exhale, lower - inhale. Then repeat the action with your right hand and left leg. Repeat the movement 7-10 times.

Note: In addition to performing specific exercises, people with lumbar spine pain should also pay attention to the following general principles:

- If you are overweight, you must implement weight loss regime.
- Enhancing calcium supply for the body (drinking milk, eating cheese).

- Sleep in a supine position on a hard mattress, best not to use cushioning.
- Avoid standing up, sitting down, carrying heavy loads.

- Exercise in the morning for 10-15 minutes with breathing exercises (3-4 times continuously), perform movements of the spine parts in all directions (4-6 times), slow tempo and medium.
- Avoid jumping and running movements to avoid increasing the burden on the intervertebral discs - avoid making pathological conditions more severe in the spinal joints.

- Perform movements to move the spine parts in all directions, 2-3 times in each working session.
- After a period of regular exercise and exercise, health has improved, the back pain is much reduced, so it can be combined with swimming or brisk walking, in which swimming is a method The most suitable exercise method (people with cervical spondylosis, the best backstroke practice).

Endurance forging exercises also work to improve general health, improve the quality of life of patients.