Heroic scene of massacre of whales, sea water changed color

The series below captures the sight of dozens of villagers on an Atlantic island hunting and killing numerous whales, causing the sea to turn red.

Last month, about 180 whales were killed by Sandavágur villagers on Vagar island during the annual whale hunting festival .

Every year, usually in August, hundreds of pepper whales and bogged whales are killed throughout the Faroe Islands, in the Danish territories that are located between England and Iceland.

According to the Daily Mail published on August 16, the whale hunting tradition on the Faroe Islands has existed since the end of the 16th century. Accordingly, villagers will move the whales into shallow waters before killing them to take meat and fat.

Picture 1 of Heroic scene of massacre of whales, sea water changed color
Whale blood is dyed in the sea.(Photo: Triangle News).

Although the above tradition has existed for centuries and become too ordinary for local residents, it has shocked and frightened visitors to the Faroe Islands.

Alastair Ward, a student at Cambridge University, during his visit to the archipelago last month was shocked to see whales being mass killed.

"I can't believe there are so many whales. Villagers drove them into the bay . When whales come near the shore, the whole village comes out and starts killing them. Even children participate in this festival . My friend and I could not speak . The whale's cries were haunting " - Alastair, 22, recounted.

According to Alastair, local residents claim that the festival of hunting whales is like raising livestock and taking meat.

The above-mentioned whale festival has long been criticized by activists because it is too cruel and unnecessary.

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The Faroe government insists that this festival will not be removed.

However, the Faroe government affirmed that taking whale meat and fat helps local people to live on their own instead of having to source protein but fat from another area is not low, especially when they almost no chance of breeding.

According to Daily Mail, each whale can provide hundreds of kilograms of meat and fat. The total amount of meat and fish fat will then be divided to all local residents.

Earlier, in 2015, the Faroe administration denied that whales were "tortured to death". They claim they die almost immediately.

Although admitting the whaling festival may frighten many people, the Faroe government insists it will not be removed, saying: "Faroe people have the right to use their natural resources".

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Picture 4 of Heroic scene of massacre of whales, sea water changed color

Picture 5 of Heroic scene of massacre of whales, sea water changed color

Picture 6 of Heroic scene of massacre of whales, sea water changed color

Picture 7 of Heroic scene of massacre of whales, sea water changed color

Picture 8 of Heroic scene of massacre of whales, sea water changed color

Picture 9 of Heroic scene of massacre of whales, sea water changed color
