High school will live long

The higher your education level is, the longer your life expectancy is. The reason is that educated people will have better financial resources, higher access to health care and more stable jobs.

Picture 1 of High school will live long

(Photo: istockphoto)

The new study shows that the gap between the percentage of Americans who have not finished high school and those who have graduated from college is growing from 1993 to 2001.

This expansion is the result of a significant decline in all-cause deaths in the highest learners (36% in black men and 25% in white men).

In contrast, the rate of death due to all causes of learners who have not finished high school increased sharply. The highest increase in white women has not yet completed high school (3.2% / year).

"Less learners also have less financial resources, less access to health care or a stable job, and less knowledge about health. As a result, the rate is Education-related deaths have declined, while the trend has been worse in less educated people, " said Dr. Otis W. Brawley of the American Cancer Society.