High technology reduces illegal rhinoceros hunting

By using high-tech techniques to monitor poachers, Zimbabwean authorities have reduced the number of killed rhinos from 30 in 2010 to 23 in 2011.

Picture 1 of High technology reduces illegal rhinoceros hunting
Thanks to high technology Zimbabwe has reduced the number of poached rhinos this year

Currently, Zimbabwe and its southern neighbors South Africa are heavily affected by rhino poaching to sell their horn to the Asian market.

By installing tracking chips on rhinoceros horns , or cutting off horns, Zimbabwe has better prevent poaching.

Last month, an animal protection group, the International Rhino Fund, launched a poaching operation to raise funds to equip ranger forces in Zimbabwe and South Africa with better surveillance gear than hunters. rhino theft.

This device contains a camera, metal detector, GPS system, fingerprint material and evidence gathering bag.