Highly durable ceramic coating, resistant to temperatures of 2000-3000 degrees Celsius

A team of British and Chinese scientists says they have designed a new generation of coatings, a mixture of carbide and ceramics, that is 12 times stronger than today's potent ceramics. If this coating is applied to the aircraft sheath, we can solve the problem of durability for supersonic aircraft.

There are many reasons why supersonic aircraft are no longer used as a means of transporting passengers, one of the most important causes is the temperature when flying at a faster speed than sound .

Picture 1 of Highly durable ceramic coating, resistant to temperatures of 2000-3000 degrees Celsius
Super-durable coatings will help realize the technology of supersonic aircraft to transport passengers.

For example, when flying at Mach 5 (five times the speed of sound), the fuselage temperature will rise to 2,000-3,000 degrees Celsius because of friction with air. This condition forces people to create super-durable materials, while ultra-durable ceramics (UHTCs) are only able to withstand 2000 degrees Celsius.

The "secret" of the new coating is to change and optimize the production technique , giving the coating a unique structure, effectively combating oxidation. However, the commercialization of this super-durable ceramic-ceramic coating is still a long way to go.

If tested successfully, super durable coatings will help realize the technology of supersonic aircraft to carry passengers. At that time, a flight from Vietnam to the US only takes a few hours. Hopefully scientists will soon realize this unique technology.