How does beer devastate your liver?

A shocking video reveals exactly what alcohol can do to destroy your liver - possibly even leading to death one day.

In this clip, a pair of alcoholic twin sisters were shown the difference between a healthy liver, and a liver taken from the body of a person who died of alcoholic cirrhosis.

Healthy liver looks smooth and reddish brown. But fibrous liver looks grainy, rough and gray with lots of black scars.

The video was broadcast on Drew's Lifechangers in the US. We can hear the surprised breathing of the experience character and the audience when the fibrous liver appears. The program is made by famous doctor Drew Pinsky, hoping to help many people change their unhealthy lifestyles.

This is what happens after alcohol ravages your liver.

'Basically, every woman I have ever treated, those who have the habit of drinking as much as you two, have some degree of liver disease,' Dr. Pinsky said. 'I cannot say that you will have cirrhosis - not everyone has cirrhosis, but I am worried that you are at risk for cirrhosis.'

When looking at the liver, one of the girls was in tears. Both admitted to drinking too much alcohol, the main cause of liver disease.

Dr. Pinsky explained to the twins and the audience saw what happened to the liver when the patient drank alcohol. The sick liver was 'scarred' and he called it 'a mess'.

Cirrhosis is a condition in which long-term, damaged liver tissue becomes scars that cannot heal. Of course, they completely lost their function.

Once someone has cirrhosis, the disease is incurable. Their liver will no longer function normally, and one day may result in death leading to death if a new liver transplant is not performed.

Dr Pinsky said women had five times more risk of developing cirrhosis than men, because their stomachs lacked a necessary substance to resolve alcohol.

Then he explained in detail how cirrhosis can kill you. Accordingly, alcohol will destroy the liver. While the cells heal themselves, they create scar tissue that is unable to function and cannot be repaired.

When the liver is weakened, 'it cannot remove toxins from your body. It can affect the brain - you may have brain damage , 'Dr. Pinski said.

'Your immune system is also not working normally, blood flows back from the liver and you will develop varicose veins in your esophagus. If the vein breaks, you can bleed and die in just a few minutes. '

It will take years to drink alcohol to create enough lesions that lead to cirrhosis. But this condition may also begin earlier due to hepatitis C. In addition, there is a non-alcoholic form of cirrhosis, which can originate from other unhealthy lifestyles, such as eating multiple paths. to obesity and fatty liver.

Picture 1 of How does beer devastate your liver?
Normal liver (left) and fibrous liver (right).

To prevent cirrhosis and other lesions, people should limit alcohol intake. It is recommended that an average person should drink less than 14 alcohol units (1 alcoholic unit = (ml of drink x alcohol content%) / 1000) for 1 week, while maintaining lifestyle and weight healthy.

A recent study suggests that it may be beneficial for your liver.

Research from Virginia Commonwealth University found that eating lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, olive oil and fish reduces the risk of hospitalization in patients with cirrhosis.

In addition, scientists also found that eating less red meat would improve the intestinal bacterial diversity for cirrhotic patients. They all emphasize the importance of nutrition in helping us prevent disease.